By great - 20/07/2012 10:20 - New Zealand - Hamilton

Today, at the bank, my 8-year-old son decided to pull out realistic looking toy gun, and scream "FREEZE! Give me all your money!" The dim-witted bank teller pressed the silent alarm, and I was nearly arrested. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 537
You deserved it 31 390

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can see a very good life coming from this kid. Maybe not a legal one, but a rich one none the less.

Why did you allow your son to bring a gun- even a fake- into a bank in the first place?


Did she really think an eight year old with a toy gun was going to rob the bank? ._.

Actually that isn't uncommon. In other parts of the country where there is war going on, people make kids plant bombs so the other side dosent suspect anything

pwnman 33

I really can't put a "I agree your life sucks" or a "YDI" because either your son took the gun without letting you know or you let your son watch those shows train him onto that kind. I'd actually vote for both now fyl and ydi

PKx18 6
Hiphuray4peas 27

That's what you get for letting your kids play with toy guns that look real.

Toy guns don't look realistic anymore. Are you people retarded. Every toy has to be perfectly safe nowadays. I have never walked into a store and seen a toy gun that looked remotely like a real gun. They used to in the 50's but I highly doubt that he would have a toy from then. Also why would you let an eight year old with an active imagination bring a toy gun into a bank.

Not all guns kids have as toys now a days were made to that standard. Some are the old kind made before those extremely fake ones.

Your son is my hero. This post just made my day. He's going places, not nessarily good places, but places.

He learned it from somewhere! Maybe you need to parent & control what he's watching on TV & the Internet!!!!! YDI