By not a kiddy fiddler really - 29/05/2015 20:15 - United States - San Francisco

Today, at my daughter's wedding celebration, I was doing a Michael Jackson act with a few buddies. It went well until I did the crotch-grab. I yanked my balls too hard and fell to the floor, writhing in agony in front of nearly 70 guests. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 086
You deserved it 26 599

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A wedding isn't great until a father does something stupid.

I bet you made were finally able to be high pitched enough to make the "hee hee" sound MJ did.


I read this wrong and thought it said "I yanked my balls too hard and THEY fell to the floor." I got really worried for a minute there.

your first mistake was thinking that anything Michael Jackson related was a good idea.

YDI for playing with your balls at your daughter's wedding. Are your hands ever free? Especially as you did a great job putting the focus on you on HER day.

Sounds like your daughter should be the one writing the FML :)

SquirrellyGirl 20

Yikes, but then again, a crotch-grab move isn't really something you should be doing a your daughters wedding