By Jessica - 19/03/2011 21:13 - Romania

Today, at 21 years of age, my doctor confirmed that I am, indeed, going bald. It wouldn't be such a bad thing, even expected, if I wasn't a woman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 430
You deserved it 3 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Actually, I do think bald people are beautiful. You may not have the same opinion as me, but I wouldn't post something if I didn't mean it. I personally don't want to go bald, because I like my hair. But if I did, I'd embrace it.


genuine 0

dam no offense but that horse shit was hella funny lmao

i couldnt imagine myself without hair. FYL. good that they're so good at making wigs now though

whatup360 1

holy sh!t you guys wrote alot

I agree a have seen bald women before and I think many of them were very attractive. :)

Ask the doctor to check for a vitamin D deficiency. A lack of vitamin D causes baldness.

CrySacre 8

Lack of vitamin A also causes that.

You know there are these things that you put on your head and it instantly looks like you have hair, we call them wigs

shrdlu 28

My mother had that problem in her 30s. Turned out it was screwy hormones. The dermatologist referred her to an endocrinologist, and I forget what the treatment was but ever since then she's had a normal amount of hair. You might want to see a dermatologist -- it may be treatable.