By murrrrf - 21/07/2014 05:30 - United States - Saint Louis

Today, as I was on the couch taking a nap, it started violently shaking. I panicked and chased my family outside, convinced it was an earthquake. It was just the cat trapped inside the couch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 101
You deserved it 7 856

murrrrf tells us more.

OP Captain is pushing 25 lbs. he's a big cat. And is very violent when he's scared. Also he likes to hide in odd places. So the recling couch is his favorite fort. The rest of you, I'm Not explaining shit. I

Top comments

ThatTennisKid14 13

How in the world did the cat get in the couch?


How did you manage to not to notice the cat on the couch or not realize something furry was getting trapped?

I don't think I'd want to be outside during an earthquake... I dunno, just MY personal preference.

yungjor 2

When there's an earthquake, you are not supposed to leave the house.

Yes, you are. Old protocol is to get into a door way or under a table, now you're supposed to go outside away from power lines and trees.

turtles4life 24

You're only supposed to go away from power lines and trees if you're ALREADY outside. Most houses built in areas that experience earthquakes won't collapse, you're still supposed to get under a table.

the_Jessicaaa 11

If it was an earthquake why wouldn't you notice anything else shake I get it while your sleeping you lose logic but still while you were convincing your parents.

do you own a tiger?? how in the hell can a couch VIOLENTLY shake with a house cat shaking it??

I don't know, my Doctor is a BIG cat, I bet he would shake the sofa enough to scare me. OP's cat is probably big, too.

your supposed to go under a bed or in the basement not outside

RedPillSucks 31

@62. You don't go under a bed in an earthquake and some houses don't have basements People go outside so their houses don't crush them. But I wasn't aware that Missouri had earthquakes.

my reaction, family, let's run the hell out of here, I'll call the priest

My family's life is way more important than that cat. Not sorry about it either.