By gir - 14/07/2011 19:35 - United States

Today, as a joke, I hid under my parents' bed, hoping to scare them when they came home. When they finally arrived, they burst through their bedroom door, tearing each other's clothes off. I had to keep my breath in time with my mom's panting and moaning as my dad brutally dominated her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 608
You deserved it 97 445

Same thing different taste


good for them! stay outta their space!

Roflcopterasd_fml 0

Well they wont expect it now lol

be123 6 about being scarred for life...

SmittyJA24 26

It wasn't that brutal. Besides, your mom likes it that way!!

you got no luck was the mattress hitting you as they rocked the bed?

How old are you? Srsly once you understand what sex is, you stay out of other people's bedrooms.

well that shyt will kill yu alive yu gotta get therapy