By jonh_215 - 08/04/2011 16:09 - United States

Today, as a going away present after five years of military service and one combat tour, the hospital scheduled me for a prostate exam. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 030
You deserved it 4 000

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

From what I've heard, those exams can be excruciatingly pleasurable. Enjoy your intense boner and I hope you have someone to drain it on or in.

Happy going away! May your prostate always be healthy. :D


leethewrestler 0

thank you for your service. god bless.

smoojenkins 0

5 years and only one combat tour? of course they have to put something up ur a$$! They still owe u at least one!

sweetonsno 1

You're really whining about the fact that you get cancer screening? Really? Most people are grateful about having health care, especially preventive treatments.

is it me or did Boners just described Hagrid as his fantasy?

getting a finger in your butt isn't all bad.

francisco_g86 6

that sucks, they're actually looking out for your health. What a bunch of assholes!!

jdengel 0

good looking female nurse? that would be a good present

I have five years in and two deployments.... quit complaining you cry baby...

mrmerino 0

oh my god, you poor, homophobic redneck with a boner for 'murka that can only be ravished with the blood of innocent foreigners who died because they suggested a different form of government. I hope your proctologist has Parkinson's and hasn't trimmed his fingernail in four weeks. oh, and I thought military service was four years.

You do realize that not everyone that deploys kills some one....