The only one who could ever reach me…

By MeOhMy23 - 25/11/2020 07:59 - United States - Tazewell

Today, I went to have a vaginal ultrasound. The nurse walked me back and I got undressed. She said the tech doing the procedure would be right in. It was my preacher's son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 945
You deserved it 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You need a new church, or a new religion! How can you follow a preacher who so loved the world he gave is only son to look up strange ladies' *******...for money?!?!

Wadlaen 23

The preacher has probably seen through you already, and now his son has too😅


xxlk4xx 6

hat would be awkward! but I'm sure he deals with a lot of other people he knows as well! when I was pregnant with my first, my ob was also my friends dad and I had been to their house for dinner multiple times! but he delivered both my first and second daughter!

Lolamae 9

When he saw your name on the schedule, he should have asked the supervisor to assign someone else.

You need a new church, or a new religion! How can you follow a preacher who so loved the world he gave is only son to look up strange ladies' *******...for money?!?!

OBGYN is his CAREER. It's not just to look at "*******". The whole point of an OBGYN is to make sure a woman is healthy down there. 🤦

Wadlaen 23

The preacher has probably seen through you already, and now his son has too😅

sarahcroy20 12

Unless you actually have any kind of personal relationship with him i don't see the problem.