By kerripjones - 14/07/2015 19:44 - United States - Newark

Today, an old friend and I reconnected. Everything was going fine until he threatened to visit me at work. I didn't know he knew my place of employment, so I replied, "Do you know where I live too?" He answered, "Would you hate me if I did?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 283
You deserved it 2 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope he was joking but i'd keep my distance from him just to be safe. Goodluck!

Wow, that must feel a bit creepy. Perhaps he's been stalking you. I would say you should run like hell, and run far


I hope he was joking but i'd keep my distance from him just to be safe. Goodluck!

Rectov 10

Can't keep your distance if he knows where you live

Now you have to check under your bed every night before you sleep!

Wow, that must feel a bit creepy. Perhaps he's been stalking you. I would say you should run like hell, and run far

sonasonic 34

Why should she run when she can get a restraining order? Pretty easy to get one nowadays.

You should have responded with "Would you hate me if I called the cops" For the mean time though, maybe stay with a friend or family member just for safety in numbers.

Badkarma4u 17

I don't know why, when I reconnect with an old school friend. It usually goes like this. "What ever happened to Cathy?" "Oh she got her art degree and is working at XYZ design firm." "Oh wow, so shes a big city girl now", "Nah she still lives over on elm, you know where the Millers used to live?" "Oh yeah, man, its been so long I'd like to catch up with her. Do you have her number?" "Sure". No need to be creeped out. There is also nothing wrong with knocking on an old friends door. Thats what doorbells are foor.

You sure know how to pick your friends ! Lol