By Anonymous - 07/10/2011 19:00 - United States

Today, after we got home from the doctor's office, my mom checked the voicemail. Loud and clear, we both heard my boyfriend's break-up message. My parents had already forbidden me from dating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 663
You deserved it 27 715

Same thing different taste

Top comments

heylesha 8

well if hes going to break up with you over a voicemail, he isnt worth it anyway.

saIty 17

Your parents will never know if you have an imaginary boyfriend. They're not as troublesome as real ones, although the sex is not all that great.


EEEEEEEEEEEEEEW COOTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =c! They scurz me.

YDI for going behind your parents' backs.

Either you're too young to be dating or you're parents are REALLY strict. If it's the first one, YDI, but if it's the second, FYL. Don't worry about it though. If he tried to end it with you over the phone, then he's clearly not a good guy anyway.

bizarre_ftw 21

I don't think they control her dating life given she didn't listen to them..... They may Try to, but trying & succeeding are two very different things. Also they're idiots for thinking they could just say "we forbid you from dating" and have it work

I'm guessing this is a "No dating until you're married" type scenario.

no dating until your married? how do you get married if you dont even have a boyfriend in the first place?

FYL for having a douche bag break up with you like that. YDI for not listening to your parents.

Why give him your home phone number if you were trying to hide the relationship? Learn how to lie to your parents better!