By Username - 15/09/2010 18:02 - France

Today, after telling me his other girlfriend is pregnant, my boyfriend said we should stay together so I could help out with the baby. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 035
You deserved it 4 814

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kick him in the balls and tell him to get lost

When exactly did his brain cease to function, darling?


The problem with this fml is you refer to his as your "boyfriend" and not your "ex"

Nabakaron 0

"**** off you piece of shit" " you shouldn't be ******* another girl if you want me to be with you"

torcherdsoul 0

I no that felin except he was my fiancé so dnt feel alone

holygodthatshars 0

if you stay with that ' boyfriend' of yours, then you're clueless and desperate. dump him fast!

wow boyfriend is a complete idiot u needa break up wit him haha his stupidity is kinda amusing tho lmfao