Pick your moments, dude!

By Anonymous - 11/10/2019 00:01

Today, my boyfriend and I were having a romantic night. As we were having sex, he decided to say, "Look mom, no hands!" and it totally ruined the mood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 900
You deserved it 344

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh come on! Give the guy a break. Look who he has to please.

EmDizzle2007 28

if you're gonna expose yourself to someone, and you have a body flaw that you're insecure about, you should have discussed that with them looooong before they saw you naked live. as for why they would make jokes; people tend to make jokes when they are nervous to lighten the mood. he didn't make fun of your chest, he simply gave them nicknames. to be fair, this could have been malicious, this this why you spend time getting to know someone before you expose your naked, self-described flawed body to them.


Glitterbaby2613 20

i had my now ex bf make fun of my boobs by calling the slightly smaller boob minnie and the bigger on mickey 🙄😏 that was one of the reasons i broke up with him

EmDizzle2007 28
Glitterbaby2613 20

well when your body shammed then youll understand

EmDizzle2007 28

I'm five foot five, fat as all ****, have a lazy eye and have had gray hair since I was a toddler... I might not have been the right person to use that card on

Glitterbaby2613 20

bro my point is that why would i make fun of your short commings, youre missing my point, if yiu love someone you wont body shame them, that joke isnt funny, but you probably dont get it

EmDizzle2007 28

if you're gonna expose yourself to someone, and you have a body flaw that you're insecure about, you should have discussed that with them looooong before they saw you naked live. as for why they would make jokes; people tend to make jokes when they are nervous to lighten the mood. he didn't make fun of your chest, he simply gave them nicknames. to be fair, this could have been malicious, this this why you spend time getting to know someone before you expose your naked, self-described flawed body to them.

I'm so sorry. I know what it's like to have a partner point out your insecurities, even as a joke. I don't know why everyone is attacking you. What your boyfriend did was gross & totally inappropriate. First, he said mom during sex; that's always a turnoff unless that's your kink. Second, he made a joke during sex. You're supposed to be having a romantic night and doing that during sex is just wrong. These guys on here giving you crap are just losers who don't know who to treat a woman right.

Glitterbaby2613 20

thanks hun, im trying to figure it out too, and if they dont see the problem with it, there must be something wrong with them

julfunky 29

What? The comment you’re replying to had nothing to do with any mom talk. You’re mixing up the comment and the FML.

Oh come on! Give the guy a break. Look who he has to please.

the fact that you have no sense of humor probably killed the mood for him too

julfunky 29

If you can bring up your mother while having sex you have a problem.

and if you think that when people use the expression look mom no hands they are thinking if their mother and not just using a common expression then you're an idiot

Sady_Ct 37

Who doesn't use their hands during sex? There's always something to play with.

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

I need a girls opinion about the size of my dick