By anonymous - 06/05/2013 18:08 - United States - Poway

Today, after my mom picked me up from the mall, she asked me what was in my bag from Gap. I wouldn't tell her, and she ended up grounding me. It was her Mother's Day present. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 450
You deserved it 4 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tjshatescra 8

Shoulda just told her it was a surprise for her...but FYL

PoopNuggetLeader 4


With the parent stories on here, I agree.

Pro Tip: Just say "a gift for you next time". If she grounds you after that, she's just a bitch

"It's your Mother's Day gift" would not have ruined the surprise.

I agree with everyone else you should have told her it was her mothers day gift then maybe she wouldn't have grounded you

gameover18 17

Right now walk up to her throw it at her and yell that was in the bag you jerk happy mothers day.

septembers_over_fml 3

Why didnt you tell her it was for her? You actually should...I think she would understand.

What I don't understand is why they would get their mom something from the Gap anyway? Unless the store is different where they live... Because here, it's the type of store where parents buy stuff for their kids, not the other way around...

Give her the gift... unwrapped, in the Gap bag. Don't give her anything else, not even a hug or card or greeting. Not a rude gesture either. Guilt-trip her. She deserves it.

OnyxChronic 9

She does deserve that, great opinion.

Panda_Shy_Haven 17

U think it was worth it. Also I don't know why moms tend to ask that question around Mother's Day? They know its for them