By cyn1cal99 - 19/07/2013 02:27 - United States - Derby

Today, after mowing my neighbor's lawn for 3 years for free without being asked to, he finally came out while I was in the middle of it. Expecting a "Thank you" or some cash, he instead said, "You missed a spot" and walked back inside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 556
You deserved it 16 492

cyn1cal99 tells us more.

cyn1cal99 11

Hey Guys. A lot of you have been asking why I mowed this neighbors lawn. Well, for one the person living there is an older person and while they probably could do it themselves, I don't think they should have to. My other reason for it, is that I mow the houses on the right, and left of it for pay. I find it more convenient to just mow all three of them across at once.

Top comments

Yeah, I'd stop mowing his lawn after that.

I really hope you're not continuing the free service ._.


oh i hope thats where you wake up and stop doing the lawn......unappreciative people deserve nothing.

I would have stopped right there and left the rest of the yard or whatever was left... ungrateful butthead...

Wait, why did you mow it if you weren't asked to? You shouldn't be paid unless he asked you to mow the lawn.

Apparently, no good deed goes unnoticed-yup yup, it gets criticized. You,my friend, have a douchebag neighbor.

People don't appreciate things anymore. No matter how small or big the random act of kindness is.. not many people even say thank you anymore when you open the door for them :/. I miss kindness. I'm sorry they don't appreciate you. Thank YOU for being a kind person :)

Why can't we just appreciate each other anymore?

RedPillSucks 31

I appreciate you... *awkward hug*

Well, consider yourself lucky that he actually wanted his lawn mowed...