By cyn1cal99 - 19/07/2013 02:27 - United States - Derby

Today, after mowing my neighbor's lawn for 3 years for free without being asked to, he finally came out while I was in the middle of it. Expecting a "Thank you" or some cash, he instead said, "You missed a spot" and walked back inside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 556
You deserved it 16 492

cyn1cal99 tells us more.

cyn1cal99 11

Hey Guys. A lot of you have been asking why I mowed this neighbors lawn. Well, for one the person living there is an older person and while they probably could do it themselves, I don't think they should have to. My other reason for it, is that I mow the houses on the right, and left of it for pay. I find it more convenient to just mow all three of them across at once.

Top comments

Yeah, I'd stop mowing his lawn after that.

I really hope you're not continuing the free service ._.


Spring2013Bio 3

YDI for cutting his for free for so many years w/out any appreciation. I would have def not helped him out for so long, even if the person is old they can give you a little something. Be nice, but don't be so nice that people will take advantage of you.

YupThtJstHappend 16

This Is Why People Become Assholes Lol They Were Nice At Once. You Let that punk Take Advantage of you , Your Fault (:

At that point I would of just stopped from then on.

graceinsheepwear 33

If he was blind, he wouldn't have noticed a missed spot (haha).

srogue74 5

you know what they say. a good guys finish last. your neighbor is probably first.

I hope you at least had the guy's permission to mow his lawn at least, which I expect you did. If not, it's your own fault entirely.

YupThtJstHappend 16

Take a Shit On His lawn and light it on fire Lmao that would be funny ^.^

That should be a good sign to start "accidentally" ******** in front of his door.

And that would be the last time my mower crossed his property line. I'd leave the yard the way it was too.