Rude awakening

By Anonymous - 11/06/2021 16:01

Today, I experienced the fright of a lifetime when I woke up and heard my bedroom door opening. Fearing that there was an intruder, I picked up a bat and opened the door, ready to whack the mystery intruder. There was no one there. No one, except my cat, who apparently knows how to open doors now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 830
You deserved it 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cherryDcola 12

i wish mine did she loves to meow at the door constantly when SHE is ready to go out for 5 seconds and come back


Your cat may be half-velociraptor. Be careful if it jumps at you from the side!

cherryDcola 12

i wish mine did she loves to meow at the door constantly when SHE is ready to go out for 5 seconds and come back