By izhamilton - 20/02/2010 05:30 - United States

 Today, after flying halfway across the world to see the man I love, he admitted cheating on me several days before I arrived, not only with someone I know, but with someone I hate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 024
You deserved it 2 777

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow... I submitted this over a month ago. Life is great now! Needless to say, the 'love' is no longer. One of life's learning curves!! :) I don't regret it.


it would be das führer.... and if the person lives in Utah that's not so bad! if not, then call that person and tell her that the guy had superAIDS and that they should get tested

Giorgio272 2

Screw that ******. since you flew so far have a good time and sleep around. I am sure that will make you feel better.

I say "forgive him," then go on a trip a few hours away... stop for a bathroom break... and leave his ass there. The walk home will make up, kinda, for the flight.

Wow... I submitted this over a month ago. Life is great now! Needless to say, the 'love' is no longer. One of life's learning curves!! :) I don't regret it.

No wonder we don't normally see OPs reply to FMLs, if it takes them a month to get accepted. Kudos on moving past it so quickly though.

Not that it matters but was it a surprise visit or did he know you would be there in a few days? It just seems so much worse if he was faithful for however long you were apart and then cheated the week of your arrival. Since things are good now, I can't say FYL. Moving on FTW!

Assuming this was a long distance relationship, therefore I say YDI.

I don't think anyone deserves that. Not even someone I hate deserves that. Having said that, I have made my peace with it. Have a great day.

xoluvinshayxo 0

its ok izhamilton. i understand. i would say FYL bc u actually trusted that piece of tool, and he took advantage of you. im glad you moved on though. thats really nice(:

Haha. Someone I liked wouldn't do that to me.

I would think that being cheated on with someone you hate would suck because you don't want people you hate to have any pleasure, and you don't want your significant other to be attracted to someone you hate. I've never been cheated on, but my best guess would be: Stranger > Someone you hate > Best friend Hopefully no one's ever been cheated on with all three to confirm/deny my guess though. :P

**** his "worst enemy" and see how he likes that.