The cheek of some people

By Anonymous - 18/10/2020 14:02

Today, the girl my ex-husband cheated on me with, and left me for, called me and asked for money to bail him out of jail. She asked me because I have my own business and I'm financially stable. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 482
You deserved it 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think the only proper response is to give her the Joker Laugh until she hangs up.

The key part of that is "ex-husband". Barring a court order for you to pay his bail, you have zero responsibility. Like most, I would have laughed or told her what she could eat.


I think the only proper response is to give her the Joker Laugh until she hangs up.

Tell her she's your bitch and she has to toss your salad.

ojoRojo 27

The key part of that is "ex-husband". Barring a court order for you to pay his bail, you have zero responsibility. Like most, I would have laughed or told her what she could eat.

xxlk4xx 6

honestly I would just laugh hysterically and hang up, then block her number lol

... and that is the moment when you simply tel her "no". Well, after the five minutes you would spend laughing at her.

Audacity really must be on sale this year!

The lion, the witch and the audacity of this bitch.

Not really a FML unless you were foolish enough to give them the money to bail his sorry ass out.

you should have told her okay I'll be right there and then block her number and never show up😂😂