By misty - 28/06/2011 16:14 - Canada

Today, after checking in and waiting for three hours to see the doctor, the receptionist said she forgot about me because she didn't see me. She asked me to come back tomorrow. I was sitting right in front of her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 154
You deserved it 4 202

Same thing different taste

Top comments

structuredchaoz 4

You kinda deserve it for not saying anything.

ZombieeeeUnicorn 1

Somebody forgot to take off their Invisibility Cloak.


And why didn't you ask her what was going on like... before you had sat there for 3 hours? YDI

Why didn't you say something instead of just sitting there?

hateevryone 14

that stupid bitch probably did that on purpose.

weewillie 1

what kind of moron waits 3 hours?

well if you are able to b*tch about it on FML you must not have needed a doctor too desperately anyways. haha

Yeah, if you have a fever or rash you can't use a phone

Sounds like the staff at my ob/gyn's office. They put me in an exam room and forgot about me, not once, but twice, while I was pregnant. But I could see out the window they all got their smoke breaks in.

That is way worse.. I'd be so pissed! My older brother nearly died because they put my mum in a room and forgot about her when she was in labour with him.