By Bam - 09/09/2018 15:00

Today, after being told my cellphone was under warranty and would be repaired for free, Samsung received my device, changed their minds, and charged me $636.96 to return my device to me. That's more than the device costs new at this point. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 131
You deserved it 198

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel like you can definitely challenge that and appeal. do you have it in writing or an email of them saying they would do it for free? or did you have a phone conversation which they record for training and monitoring purposes?

Samsungs support ******* sucks.I bought a 65" 4K curve last year, did the firmware update after setting everything up, and it just says it wont connect to the internet after the update, none of the smart apps would work, voice control needs the internet, controlling it through the phone still needs internet. trying to run it wired didnt work either Well i contacted samsung support and they said i had to take it to a service center,then they were unsure they could help me because im in canada. They sent me the names of 2 centers several hours away.Having it serviced would then void my warranty and i would have to pay for the service center to try to fix it.Samsung tried telling me scripted generic responses that were incoherent when i asked questions and the tech support is useless. I fixed the problem myself by updating my routers firmware and and changing the gateway ,DNS subnet mask and ip manually in the tv's wireless settings. contacted samsungs support and asked to speak to the product manager to add my fix to their scripted bs,got a couple coherent responses then they went back to scripted bs. Worst tech support ever Tv looks beautiful tho, but im disappointed in the lack of support to customers that spend thousands on their products.


I feel like you can definitely challenge that and appeal. do you have it in writing or an email of them saying they would do it for free? or did you have a phone conversation which they record for training and monitoring purposes?

Good luck getting them to cough up recording evidence, it won’t exist. Been there, done that... unfortunately,

I had a gear fit 2 watch. 3 weeks after I got it, the band on it opened and fell off my wrist, landed and cracked the screen. I sent it in for repair under warranty. I got it back in 10 days, unrepaired, saying I voided the warranty by abusing my watch. So yeah, Samsung's repair service sucks.

Free to repair, but $600 shipping and handling.

Ya dealing with Samsung sucks you'll probably have to send them a strongly-worded letter from a lawyer to get them to actually honor the warranty by law, my family and friends have had to deal with the same crap from Samsung and sending them a letter from a lawyer was the only way to get them to honor the warranty 🙄😐😵😤😕

Samsungs support ******* sucks.I bought a 65" 4K curve last year, did the firmware update after setting everything up, and it just says it wont connect to the internet after the update, none of the smart apps would work, voice control needs the internet, controlling it through the phone still needs internet. trying to run it wired didnt work either Well i contacted samsung support and they said i had to take it to a service center,then they were unsure they could help me because im in canada. They sent me the names of 2 centers several hours away.Having it serviced would then void my warranty and i would have to pay for the service center to try to fix it.Samsung tried telling me scripted generic responses that were incoherent when i asked questions and the tech support is useless. I fixed the problem myself by updating my routers firmware and and changing the gateway ,DNS subnet mask and ip manually in the tv's wireless settings. contacted samsungs support and asked to speak to the product manager to add my fix to their scripted bs,got a couple coherent responses then they went back to scripted bs. Worst tech support ever Tv looks beautiful tho, but im disappointed in the lack of support to customers that spend thousands on their products.

It was nice of you to share the fix. A lot of tech support people would appreciate that

ohsnapword 21

That's why I don't buy Samsung products.

ViviMage 38

I am writing this from my iPhone X. After I gifted my sister my "old" iPhone 7 Plus. I've been using iThings since the iPhone 3GS. The only thing I can't do with it is scrape the ice off my car windshield, but I'm sure my old Nokia 3310 still has a charge for that! I tried Android a few times and just hate the lag! Or the fact the phone locked itself and sat there with totally fine screen typing to itself so I couldn't unlock it! Make an Android that makes me give it a second glance. iThings are expensive but they iWork!!

Apple may not have the best hardware, but the software is top notch, and the customer service is unbeatable.

tounces7 27

Apple Hardware is mostly made by samsung...

jay11kpt 15

Had the best experience with Samsung Support. I had a used S7 Edge and I'd explained it was bought from ebay too. They still said nothing and got it repaired for free since it was still within the 2 year warranty we get in Europe. If you're in Europe and the phone is S8 or newer, you should have warranty and free repair, no questions asked.

blightsight 10

Why would they change their minds after getting it? Did it have water damage or something you didn't disclose? Also, why the hell would they charge more for shipping and handling than it actually costs? That said, if you buy an international version of their phone from, they will refuse to fix your cellphone. Oh, and they bought out ubreakifix so now you have to adhere to super expensive repair costs since the company is now owned by Samsung.