
By Ohnowhy - 09/09/2018 18:30

Today, I moved in with my friend and her husband so we can be roommates during school. Today is also the day they decided to get a divorce. It's going to be a long year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 000
You deserved it 254

Same thing different taste

Top comments

awildwhisper 30

What side of the duct tape do you get to be on in the house or are you going to be the messenger pigeon between the two and get to cross the line?

OP here! Wow didn't think I'd get published! I lasted a week and moved out. It was a really bad situation from the start. Also, I was already going to get free rent, that's why I moved in in the first place.


Hey, maybe you can bag the husband and get free rent, while your friend pays you. Opportunity is knocking!

awildwhisper 30

What side of the duct tape do you get to be on in the house or are you going to be the messenger pigeon between the two and get to cross the line?

OP here! Wow didn't think I'd get published! I lasted a week and moved out. It was a really bad situation from the start. Also, I was already going to get free rent, that's why I moved in in the first place.

fde2blknimout 18

Did she find out about the affair?

Yes there was an affair but it was not with me.

That is a bad idea regardless of them getting a divorce. Good for you that you got out there and I hope you're not totally broke now because of this.

Why would you want to live with a married couple in the first place...!?