By Lisa - 19/09/2011 02:07 - United States

Today, after being dumped by my boyfriend of two years, I poured my heart out to my dad. He nodded and looked sympathetic throughout. Afterwards, I asked him what I should do. He replied, "How the hell should I know?" and awkwardly left my room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 925
You deserved it 5 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Move on. I know it's hard but every breakup is one step closer to "the one". Think about this in a positive way. I'll admit that was kinda've a bitch move on your dad but it's not suprising.


He's being a guy. Guys are not good in emotional situations.

So what IS he supposed to do about it? Hearing you out is really the most that anyone can do for you. You had a breakup; there's no advice to be given besides "move on." I'd probably be awkward too if I thought I was just listening to someone vent their feelings, and they suddenly started expecting advice for something that just doesn't have a solution.

iwacky 8

At least he doesnt say what my dad says. He says, "Just get over it and move on to another bastard." gotta love dads

GerSenpai 6

lol You shouldn't expect people to listen to you when you tell them a bunch of things. I don't expect people to, but if somebody does, it makes me happy they care what I was saying.

This is why I don't tell my dad about my relationships.

HopelessRomance7 0

Well that most definitely sucks. You'd think being obseenly old would have it's advantages advice wise

cunningchick 1

Come on, that's not that bad, Deff not as bad as hearing your brother tell your dad that he's gay and then having your dad go on a huge rant about how he needs to get the F out of his house and how gays are F'ed up....I have never seen my dad the same way since then.