By morenita27 - 21/12/2010 01:52 - Canada

Today, a woman came to my counter and ordered 12 donuts. I said, "OK sure, a dozen donuts." She paused, looked at me with disgust and yelled, "I said 12, NOT a dozen." FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 490
You deserved it 4 069

Same thing different taste

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Cmb531 0

Today, I read the comments to an FML and everyone was talking about a bakers dozen for no reason and they were all dumb as hell and it made me want to slit my wrists, FML

obviously not brightest crayon in the tool shed...wait...

How is this a fml, unless this is the only donut store in your town.

sallen0046 4

Why exactly is your life ****** because someone you don't even know isn't aware how many of something constitutes a dozen? You're in food service - it's your job to give the customer what they ask for, not complain about what they don't know.

lunalove88 0

Lol I can just picture that lady at work telling all of her coworkers that the idiot at the donut shop said a dozen donuts when she asked for 12! I hope she feels like a dumbass and I hoped they laughed at her! This is definitely one moment where ignorance isn't bliss.

...haha, that's fresh! I could only imagine a Samoan would say that! Only because I know my people!!! lol