By visn - 17/06/2009 05:15 - United States

Today, a real estate agent showed my house to some buyers. I found out when I exited the shower, fully nude, to them in the hallway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 928
You deserved it 5 295

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ohJeeznotme 7

That was really rude of the agent to not give you a heads up since it is in bad taste to show a house with the owner sitting around inside it. Get a new agent.

"and thats the main bedroom with ensuite, now if you'll just follow me down the hall past the naked man ill show you the bathroom"


elemenopyqrstuv 0

you should've expected it, because you're selling your house....

Well yes , he would expect it when the real estate agent informs him when visitors will be expecting the house at least 24 hours before the inspection time . Its their policy when the owner is still in the house and has a bit more time before they have to pack up their personal stuff .

Surely the real estate agent would of told you she was coming?? You'll look if some single lady wants to know if you come with the place haha.

_Some_One_ 0

Lol, good one. Just a question, the buyers were silent the whole time? Otherwise you would've probably heard them.

ohJeeznotme 7

That was really rude of the agent to not give you a heads up since it is in bad taste to show a house with the owner sitting around inside it. Get a new agent.

Agree, and I actually think you could sue the agent for bringing strangers into your house without consent.

Thabb 0

So were the buyers female? I'm sure they enjoyed it.

whitehawk_fml 0

if they were u shoulda got a huge boner and started walking towards them

Hiimhaileypotter 52

#81- Oh yes, that's not creepy at all.

Isn't it the law that real estate agents have to call the home owner when they are going to show their house?