By SummerTime98 - 27/10/2009 05:44 - Canada

Today, a man came up to me asking for my name. Thinking he was trying to hit on me, I rudely gave him a fake name. He thanked me and walked away. I continued to watch him leaving until I saw him ask another woman for her name and took out a wallet and showed it to her. It was my lost wallet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 845
You deserved it 64 707

Top comments

YDI for thinking every guy coming up to ya is gonna hit on ya


alinka_fml 0

...and then women complain that they can't find a mice guy. It's because they ignore them.

thats what u get for being a shallow bitch

blackman100 20

What d'ya do next? say you lied about your name and hope he would give it back? Always give your real name, especially if youre getting hit on.

Honestly, ydi for being so egotistical that as soon as someone asks your name, you instantly assume he's hitting on you. Get over yourself, you never know why someone is talking to you.

CammyGal 26
govan1107 1

Didn't your id have a picture on it.