By SummerTime98 - 27/10/2009 05:44 - Canada

Today, a man came up to me asking for my name. Thinking he was trying to hit on me, I rudely gave him a fake name. He thanked me and walked away. I continued to watch him leaving until I saw him ask another woman for her name and took out a wallet and showed it to her. It was my lost wallet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 845
You deserved it 64 705

Top comments

YDI for thinking every guy coming up to ya is gonna hit on ya


ziqi92 0

word: take a chill pill! not all guys r like that! i'm one of them! ppl like u make feel sad sometimes...just assuming that we're hitting on u....

I don't think you deserved it, after reading your comments. It sucks you had to pay to get your wallet back but I'd probably have done the same thing if someone like that approached me. I think you protected yourself well.

EveryDayJackAss 0

Yeha i'm sick of these chicks who think if you look in their direction your instantly a creep who's been staring at them or that if you walk behind them your staring at their ass or w/e. I take a glimpse just to teach em a lesson.

cashew317 0

well that's what you get for sucking and lacking basic humanity.

lovemylife0 0

I would have done the same thing! If you're used to getting hit on and a seemingly creepy guy out of the blue asks for your name, why the hell not give a fake name? I would even recommend it. I defend this girl 100%. Us girls need to keep our eyes open, and if that means risking "impoliteness" for safety, so be it.

yourkiddingright_fml 0

That will teach you for being so full of yourself!!

oystercultviking 0

Lesson learned. Don't flatter yourself.

Ultimate_Cynic 0

HAHAHA! Wow. And you didn't even think to ask him why he wanted to know; your first instinct was to lie to him. I've said it before, and I'll say it again - deceit and dishonesty are a woman's bread and butter.