By SummerTime98 - 27/10/2009 05:44 - Canada

Today, a man came up to me asking for my name. Thinking he was trying to hit on me, I rudely gave him a fake name. He thanked me and walked away. I continued to watch him leaving until I saw him ask another woman for her name and took out a wallet and showed it to her. It was my lost wallet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 845
You deserved it 64 707

Top comments

YDI for thinking every guy coming up to ya is gonna hit on ya


100 and 10% deserved it. I wish you could press the button mor than once.

YDI for thinking every guy is hitting on you.

YDI! Next time try being a nice human being, not all men are out to get in your pants! And with an attitude like yours probably most wouldn't want to!!!!