By tickyette - 14/09/2010 07:27 - United States

Today, a grasshopper jumped into my car. As my boyfriend swiped at it, the grasshopper jumped onto my chest and into my shirt. Instead of helping me get it out, my boyfriend leaned back and said, "It got to second base faster than I did." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 231
You deserved it 10 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments


NoraT_fml 6

that's bad that u haven't let him touch. if you truely love him u wouldent care. and the hopper..please...really? how is that a fml? it's a bug big deal just pull it out yourself. your bf was giveing you a hint.

"True love" and booby-groping don't necessarily go hand in hand. -.-

RedPillSucks 31

The FML is that the grasshopper cause her to go up a cup size.

If it had been a bee or something then ya, he should have helped you. But its just a grasshopper, and in the moment its a funny joke, and worth it. Or maybe he thought at that point, since its down your shirt, you'd just get it out yourself?

I'd say that was pretty wicked. idiot boyfriend, if he had any sense he wouldn't complain and would take this chance to "help" get it. Dumbass.

yummycupcakegirl 0

that grasshopper stole your woman. that's sad.

Get it out yourself. Your boyfriend probably wouldn't even dare go down there if he hasn't yet. Also, he made a funny joke. How's this an FML? You just let the grasshopper go and that's it. I honestly think he was being nice not to stick his hands down your shirt when you haven't allowed him yet.

"Ah sooo," the grasshopper says, "The student has become the master." /bow before your new sensei.

"Snatch this nipple from my hand, Grasshopper."

op your bf are guy with a sense of humor but not horny...