By tickyette - 14/09/2010 07:27 - United States

Today, a grasshopper jumped into my car. As my boyfriend swiped at it, the grasshopper jumped onto my chest and into my shirt. Instead of helping me get it out, my boyfriend leaned back and said, "It got to second base faster than I did." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 231
You deserved it 10 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments


FrEsHpRiNcE916 0

why is he complianing?? he coulda juss stole 2nd!!

the bf should have thought about it more he could have been to second base just helping you out! haha

well atleast YOU didn't hurt his feelings(x

Lol is the FML supposed to be that the grasshopper got down your shirt, that your boyfriend didn't help get it out, or that he said what he did? Or all three? Haha f your life but I think he was joking. :P

12345goochgobble 0

LOL how could you NOT laugh at that comment that's hilarious!!

LOL no that's classic... very good come back... you have a fun guy

this is plain retarded. this isn't even a FML can't people take jokes or is everyone going to state writing stories about a joke they didn't get on FML.

adam218 0

more like FML for boyfriend b/c he didnt get any