By ccc - 15/05/2009 16:35 - United States

Today, a cab driver had to sign me out of the emergency room because I didn't know who else to call. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 129
You deserved it 4 419

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aw, man. Being in the hospital alone is a shitty feeling. I feel for you.


sad. I hope the cab dude likes u or ur gonna have to get something called a BUDDY or GIRL/BOYFRIEND

Today, I had to sign someone out of the hospital. What a loser. FML

Or The OP did call his parents or friends but they wouldn't sign him/her out of the emergency room or something so thats why he/she said I didn't who else to call.

to all the unsympathetic people like #3 i think your life is actually more f'd and sadder than the OP

#32. Well I must say thats what you get for sleeping with a male prostitue. And I for one did not have any need or want to know that you got cum in your eye. And also why the hell wouldnt you wash it out before falling asleep? Thats just gross!!!

mintfreshpinesol 0

#5, we don't need to know the reason the OP was in the ER for this to be an FML. The OP wanted to emphasize the fact that he didn't have anybody to support him (or her) in a time of need, not why he was in there.

Im_Insane 0

Aw Im sorry *hug* 30- huh? 32- stop being mean!

dancing_bear 0

No friends would be pretty crap... but no family? That actually makes me genuinely sad...