By ccc - 15/05/2009 16:35 - United States

Today, a cab driver had to sign me out of the emergency room because I didn't know who else to call. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 129
You deserved it 4 419

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aw, man. Being in the hospital alone is a shitty feeling. I feel for you.


MichelleSoFlyy 0

I fell bad for ya man,make some friends

rachelbrianna25 0

Give the dude a break. You know the hospital could be quite a drive, from where his friends/family lives. That really sucks. Happens occasionaly at the hotel I work at because they are out of towners & have no one to call since their families live a few states away. = (

Well that has got to suck...and be embarrassing.

lululovesmusik 0

#55 is a vigilante! OP, things will pick up. xxxx

yourmomm 0

wow, you aren't a loser at all!

ZiggyMorrison 0

wow this was a painful for those of you who said parents he's probably living else where from them otherwise would have called you need to find yourself a girl or perhaps that it is that you found a girl and you are otherwise incapable wooing said strumpet?

Awwwwww noooo....that's so sad. Call me next time and I'll sign you out sweetie!!! Hehehe...