Thousand-yard stare

By timiscuous - 20/04/2020 20:00 - New Zealand

Today, I met my girlfriend’s parents for the first time. Her dad killed and skinned a goat in front of me, while staring at me the whole time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 812
You deserved it 281

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Today, I met me daughter's new boyfriend. I was working on preparing a meal, and I kept giving him meaningful glances. He didn't offer to help once, just stood there sheepishly watching me work." FML


that's a scare tactic dad's use to let you know not to hurt their daughter your gf and her mother probably bitched him out after though as is common as long as you treat her right and don't break her heart you should be fine

Yeah... consider that your warning....

Its a warning. Treat his daughter right or he’ll do you wrong.

Try this; Good to know if you're not already circumcised. Or this: Hope you don't think you're the Greatest Of All Time! Or this: I'm sure he was just "kid"ding.

Taylor Caldwell 10

Hopefully his psychopathic tendencies haven’t affected her, but seeing as that’s her dad I’m sure she has a messed up moral compass now

"Today, I met me daughter's new boyfriend. I was working on preparing a meal, and I kept giving him meaningful glances. He didn't offer to help once, just stood there sheepishly watching me work." FML

BoulderDashTank19141 6
WistayShlaio82 13

Being half Apache I would have asked him “can you hand me the liver, I know a good recipe for that”