Drama alert!

By heart - 20/05/2021 01:59

Today, I complained to my parents about chest pains. My mom said, "For fuck’s sake, it’s our day off. Can we just have ONE day without your drama?" Turns out, I was actually having a heart attack. She still won’t apologize, and is in fact mad at me for having a heart attack on her day off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 534
You deserved it 99

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you're old enough, you should consider leaving. Then burn the bridge so much that they can't even find the wood it was made of.

Mom sounds like a terrible parent and a selfish jerk. There is no way around that. Are you able to take care of yourself and ultimately live independently? People have heart attacks and survive and they also have episodes that seem like a heart attack but are something else. A heart attack is very, very serious but it’s not usually ultimately disabling - You should still be able to have a normal life, though with some trade offs. Finally are you prone to emotional outbursts and other “needy” or self centered behavior? Ask yourself that and be honest with yourself. If you have a history of such behavior it could explain Mom’s initial reaction. If that’s the case you need to do some emotional growing up to make things work better at home (I am assuming you live with Mom). You have very little leverage to change anyone’s attitude or behavior except your own. Not all parents are great parents - Sometimes even otherwise “good parents” have serious lapses in judgement. If you live at home and you need to continue to do so, then you need to figure out how make that arrangement work better - Especially if you are undergoing a health crisis of some kind.


If you're old enough, you should consider leaving. Then burn the bridge so much that they can't even find the wood it was made of.

Mom sounds like a terrible parent and a selfish jerk. There is no way around that. Are you able to take care of yourself and ultimately live independently? People have heart attacks and survive and they also have episodes that seem like a heart attack but are something else. A heart attack is very, very serious but it’s not usually ultimately disabling - You should still be able to have a normal life, though with some trade offs. Finally are you prone to emotional outbursts and other “needy” or self centered behavior? Ask yourself that and be honest with yourself. If you have a history of such behavior it could explain Mom’s initial reaction. If that’s the case you need to do some emotional growing up to make things work better at home (I am assuming you live with Mom). You have very little leverage to change anyone’s attitude or behavior except your own. Not all parents are great parents - Sometimes even otherwise “good parents” have serious lapses in judgement. If you live at home and you need to continue to do so, then you need to figure out how make that arrangement work better - Especially if you are undergoing a health crisis of some kind.

I'm wondering why you're still living with your parents.

2 questions; how old are you? Have you improved your diet so you don't have another heart attack?

what in the absolute ****? some people really shouldn't be parents

What the hell?!? OP get out ASAP seriously dangerous to be there still

I’m left to assume you create enough Drama that she’s finally had enough. Get out of her house.

if under 18 report them to chuld services. if over leave them and forget about them.