
By anonymous - 28/10/2014 03:40 - United States - Lafayette

Today, I hit a new low point in my life when I stole batteries from a toy at the daycare I work at, and put them in my vibrator. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 890
You deserved it 39 833

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a new one, you get a gold sticker.

llamarrama01 21

People who do things like that can go....**** themselves


dakid87 10

I'm sorry, that sound very funny to me. Lol

Did someone already steal the batteries from the remotes?

ostfaiz 18

hope they last longer for you Op :)

iAmPaul 49

"Work out"? Surely it's supposed to be "work at". Must've slipped by the FML staff.

Well even you need to have a good time after work

You couldn't of just gotten your own batteries?