There goes the neighborhood

By Anonymous - 28/08/2021 22:00

Today, our neighbors have the most beautiful garden, with hundreds of crocuses in spring. Actually, that was our former neighbors. The new owners have since dug up all the flower bulbs, thrown them out, and replaced them with some lovely decorations made of old car tires. FML
I agree, your life sucks 940
You deserved it 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And that is why you need to plant your own garden if you like flowers.

It's great you finally got neighbors that really care about the environment by making beautiful art out of used tires. Good riddance to the crocus freaks!


It's great you finally got neighbors that really care about the environment by making beautiful art out of used tires. Good riddance to the crocus freaks!

And that is why you need to plant your own garden if you like flowers.