The Voice (of the future)

By Sheila - 26/10/2019 12:00 - United Kingdom - Edinburgh

Today, my husband was singing while doing the housework. I told him to sign up for The Voice. He took me seriously, and did. Too bad for him, because he sounds like a cat dying in a ditch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 743
You deserved it 1 675

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess fhl and most of all fu for putting him in that situation. A lot of people can’t tell how good/bad their singing sounds...

I'm waiting for his FML where he posts that his wife sucks at Sarcasm. You know it's okay to tell your partner they suck at something right?


I guess fhl and most of all fu for putting him in that situation. A lot of people can’t tell how good/bad their singing sounds...

I'm waiting for his FML where he posts that his wife sucks at Sarcasm. You know it's okay to tell your partner they suck at something right?

Lol don't worry the producers weed out the casuals way before the "blind audition" people part of the show

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31
ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

too bad that the judges normally.pick those type of singers

bobsanction 18