The Trifecta

By AkaiKitsune - 27/08/2017 04:30

Today, after blacking out from fever, I found out that the reason I've been feeling so sick is that I've somehow come down with pneumonia, strep, and the common cold all at the same time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 146
You deserved it 270

Same thing different taste

Top comments

talaswolf 20

How are you still alive!? That is horrible and I wish you a fast recovery! I know how it is to have pneumonia.

Well, I guess this site is turning into **** AkaiKitsune's Life after all.


talaswolf 20

How are you still alive!? That is horrible and I wish you a fast recovery! I know how it is to have pneumonia.

Well, I guess this site is turning into **** AkaiKitsune's Life after all.

mustang19898 16

I did something similar once. I came down with strep, the flu, and bronchitis all at once. Fever topped out at 104.5 F. It was awful! Hope you feel better soon!

Lobby_Bee 17

Like my mom always says, "because you played too much video games!"

rety1 13

forget just vitamin C, you need someone to get you the whole vitamin alphabet.

That's too bad. Was it caused by chasing your horse that wouldn't let go of a squeaky toy?

Be sure to get the vax to pneumonia if you don't want FYL too OP I do feel sorry for you

How does anyone even notice a common cold when they have pneumonia?

Dude... you could literally die. I hope you get better soon!