The ole answer/forward conundrum

By Master's_degree_in_failure - 17/10/2020 22:30

Today, I "answered" an email instead of "forwarding" it. As a result, there is a chance that my Master's thesis supervisor gets a message from me starting by the F-word, and complaining about my bad work and inability to understand a deadline. FML
I agree, your life sucks 354
You deserved it 1 105

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, I'll guess the term "dead" line will mean something new for you, as in, the status of your chances to get the degree.

ojoRojo 27

There’s a chance? Pretty sure that’s definitely happening unless you’re somehow capable of deleting sent emails


Well, I'll guess the term "dead" line will mean something new for you, as in, the status of your chances to get the degree.

ojoRojo 27

There’s a chance? Pretty sure that’s definitely happening unless you’re somehow capable of deleting sent emails

Nhayaa 21

Just read the exact same one on the french FML. Wich one is the real one? Hm. Mystery. 🤔