
By Anonymous - 06/03/2024 15:00

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend but she refused. Why? Because instead of asking her, “Will you marry me?” I asked her to “be my wife.” She flew off the handle because “my wife” suggests she would be mine, like ownership, like domestic slavery. I don’t want to marry her anymore; she’s nuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 768
You deserved it 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Better that you found out now than later. You would have been miserable walking on eggshells. Find someone who doesn't look for offense everywhere.

I'm guessing that she didn't say yes, so you're off the hook. You should celebrate!


No she is not nuts, she just want equal relationship. It's not a matter of slavery it's a matter of respect. Maybe you should talk to her about how you see the role of each side and how it should work together.

you're right! SHE should have talked to him instead of making a bat shit assumption. she would have been his wife even if he agreed that she was in charge of literally everything. her loose understanding of language is the problem

Better that you found out now than later. You would have been miserable walking on eggshells. Find someone who doesn't look for offense everywhere.

Pity I could only 'like' this once. Find you an easy-going, fun girl who actually wants to 'be your wife'.

I'm guessing that she didn't say yes, so you're off the hook. You should celebrate!

Sounds like she just wanted to say no but is blaming the word choice, because it's easier than saying she doesn't think of you as marriage material.

cpguru24 16
L0life29 6