Same thing different taste

Top comments

I say you drink until you see double and then enjoy a whole meal!

Go food shopping, it is cheaper then eating out all the time.


Well, at least that means you're not a complete alcoholic. As you can actually keep it in the house. Some people would have the urge to drink it all as soon as they bought it. So good for you! Lol. Really though, I don't know why this means your life sucks. Just go buy some food? Unless you're saying that you're broke, in which case just buy food instead of wine next time.

WeirdUS 29

Dollar store your friend it will be. Save money you will, eat better you shall. Takeout expensive it is.

So how is that liquid diet working out for ya ?

young_stud 14

I'm guessing you opened your fridge because you were hungry? Good thing you have half a takeaway meal in there lol

squiros 2

did all the editors quit? it is entire contents? it has entire contents? Its entire contents: nobody who speaks english. there is no apostrophe for the possessive.