The final boss of annoying customers

By Karen - 22/12/2023 06:00 - United States - Akron

Today, while I was helping customers in the self-checkout, one lady wouldn’t stop talking to me. Other customers needed help and I was trying to go help them. When I tried to walk away, she hugged me over my arms, physically restraining me. I froze. I actually have PTSD from being sexually assaulted years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 681
You deserved it 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, I am so sorry this happened to you. It goes to show we don't know what trauma others have been through that might affect their sensitivities. And of course, under no conditions was it OK for the customer to grab and pin you like that! ... It's really unfortunate that in an attempt to lower operating costs retailers are using self-checkout and even attempting to force customers to use it by having only one or two full service checkout lanes even in a big store. Some people are just not mentally equipped to deal with something new to them. I am assuming the grabby customer was very old or mentally challenged for them to respond like that - But it's still no excuse!

Vesi 29

WHO the H3II clicks YDI on this one? What is WRONG with you people?!? OP, I am so sorry that happened, both the assault and this lady being handsy. You may need to talk with your manager (or higher if they're a poop) about making it clear any more handsy people and you have the option to walk away.


OP, I am so sorry this happened to you. It goes to show we don't know what trauma others have been through that might affect their sensitivities. And of course, under no conditions was it OK for the customer to grab and pin you like that! ... It's really unfortunate that in an attempt to lower operating costs retailers are using self-checkout and even attempting to force customers to use it by having only one or two full service checkout lanes even in a big store. Some people are just not mentally equipped to deal with something new to them. I am assuming the grabby customer was very old or mentally challenged for them to respond like that - But it's still no excuse!

Vesi 29

WHO the H3II clicks YDI on this one? What is WRONG with you people?!? OP, I am so sorry that happened, both the assault and this lady being handsy. You may need to talk with your manager (or higher if they're a poop) about making it clear any more handsy people and you have the option to walk away.