Thanks, I hate it

By Anonymous - 26/05/2009 09:18 - Greece

Today, I hired an exterminator to get the roaches out of the house I'm renting. I came back from work and went to my bathroom, noticing that he used the plunger to unclog the toilet after he took a dump. After $150, there was shit all over my floor and plunger, and roaches still in my kitchen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 717
You deserved it 3 825

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LAME!!! Is there any legal action you can take against them? xD

roaches + shit = even nastier than ******* roaches..


DamnAshleyyy 0

Maybe the smell of his shit will scare away the roaches :)

I'm just wondering why a legal worker would do that? Either fake or you hired him illegal..

That's so unprofessional, not to mention gross. Take him to small claims court.

Ugh, some people have no class (as ancient as that sounds lol). Definitely FYL

that sux-u need to sue that ass for all he has!

theoldGP 0

exterminators are gross people.

waxstigmata 0

i dont know about the rest of you, but who wants to be in a house where a stange man is spraying chemicals about? not I, the exterminator has a protective mask for this job, i don't think the OP did, and most people leave the house when an exterminator comes (notice i didn't say all, just the majority of people who don't feel like inhaling toxins) but i agree with most of the people here, take that jerk to court!

That is absolutly disgusting! May i ask why the hell you werent supervising? i dont know if you can actually sue for that but you deff. need to complain.

Did you hire this guy from the black market or some shit? Complain to the company and get em to re-exterminate your house for free FYL