Going swimmingly

By Anonymous - 28/01/2021 18:03 - Singapore - Singapore

Today, I was excited to go to swim after a long time of not doing so because of Covid restrictions. After changing into my trunks and putting my goggles on, I jumped into the pool straight away, while still wearing my mask. FML
I agree, your life sucks 440
You deserved it 661

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it didn't say whether the person was male or female and supposedly the app doesn't always put the right thing in regards to male or female


Even worse, you're a girl wearing trunks. Trunks are for fat men.

it didn't say whether the person was male or female and supposedly the app doesn't always put the right thing in regards to male or female

rotflqtms_ 21

At least you were being safe since you probably weren't practicing social distancing. hope you brought a second mask.

You would have had to use a fresh mask to leave anyway, since you would have had to take it off your face. Once it leaves your face it is dirty and you need a new one.