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By Anonymous - 25/07/2009 02:35 - Brazil

Today, my long-distance boyfriend was at my house for a 10-day visit. He told me that we'd never spent so much time together, so he didn't know me well and now, he'd finally met the "real me". He doesn't like it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 804
You deserved it 9 636

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Honestly, long distance relationships are hard. A similar situation happened with me and my bf, but we worked through it - not that we didn't like each other, but we fell off the pedestal. It happens in every relationship, but it's worse in long distance.

I feel your pain. Happened to me. 10 day visit, dating for 4 months. After day 6, he just kind of ignored me.


leopardseal 0

Sucks, right? Well, people can only have a relationship if they spend time together to be able to know each other. Obviously, you've never spent 10 days with this person, and you didn't ever spend enough time to get to know each other. So now that you have, you're just not compatible. Long distance relationships don't work for that exact reason

wroughtinfire 0

This is not really an FML unless you had a lot of hopes and dreams riding on this guy. You know now that long-distance can be rough, and it's generally better to get to know someone in person. You'll be ok.

Long distance has higher chance of working out if you saw the other in person first. Im not saying that what the OP did was wrong, but it was just unlucky.

GET MAD, GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!! EF THAT! And #17, I hope you kicked his ass right out.

lovestinks456 0

break up with that bitch! There are better guys out there! Next time date a guy who lives in the same town as you!

.... Then be more honest about yourself?

I'll try to be helpful, for as I've read so far, no one here seems to want to be. I have a boyfriend that lives all the way in Winnipeg Canada, while I live in U.S. Florida, to be exact. This December we plan to have him come stay with me. It's a scarily nervous thing when you first meet your love, but it seems to me you two just need to keep working at it. I'm sure not everything about you both will be 'exactly' as it seems on the interwebs and it's a stupid thing for him to think you should be. But it doesn't mean all is lost, please keep trying. If you both are serious with having this relationship, then things will all work out. Try talking about what you each don't like, (if you have any complains,) and try to both improve yourselves. It's best that you personally WANT to improve yourself, than have the person you care about force it on to you. Good luck. :)

I have to disagree here. Trying to change to suit each other better is a sure way to end up breaking up further down the line. You'll end up deliberately acting different around you significant other than you normally do in other company, and essentially become two different people.

That's terrible advice. If you don't like someone in real life that's it. Just because those two were completely in love online, it still means that they were dealing with idealized versions of each other and not real people.

My boyfriend and I were long distance by 5 hours for almost 3 years. We had to be extremely honest with each other in order to make it work. We don't change who we ARE for each other, but because we lacked body language and facial expressions to make interpretations of what we were talking about, we had to say what we meant, and mean what we said. It was a lot more work than a relationship that is close by, and it moved a lot slower since we only saw each other for a weekend every month or two, but we got to know each other slowly. The one time we spent 10 days with each other, we argued a lot, but we worked through them. Then I moved in with him, and things are going great. Maybe I just happened to be lucky. It varies couple to couple. Some people just aren't good with distance and need the close connection and body language. Other people are more individual and like their space. So it always varies. But long distance is always worth a try, even if it doesn't work out.

Relação a distância é uma burrice. Você mereceu.

Doesn't sound like he was your boyfriend then... if "10 days" was a long visit for you two.

letitbe56 0

Some people have jobs or school. Ten days is a long time to be away from those things.

cooorah 0

He sounds like an asshole. Stick with the close relationships, instead of the boys that live far away. That way they can get to know the real you, rather than forget and then come back and change their mind.