This doesn't feel nice

By bloodsuckerr - 09/02/2024 23:00 - United States

Today, my boyfriend is acting more distanced, leaving me on seen or delivered. We do long distance, he’s supposed to come visit me in three weeks. I don't know what to think. He’s always been sweet and stuff, but now it feels like he’s not trying. This makes my stomach hurt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 450
You deserved it 169

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gigamesh 5

if you're that worried just ask him cause communication is best

easybree 10

just ask him! I’m sorry op, me and my bf broke up about a month ago. at first it hurt, but now I’m so happy! be prepared for anything OP. trust me though, you’ll get through this!!


how long have you been together? because it sounds like he found someone else, that's usually the reason they start acting that way. if he doesn't show he owes you an explanation. if you don't get one then find someone who deserves you, just don't go looking, the right one will find you.

gigamesh 5

if you're that worried just ask him cause communication is best

easybree 10

just ask him! I’m sorry op, me and my bf broke up about a month ago. at first it hurt, but now I’m so happy! be prepared for anything OP. trust me though, you’ll get through this!!

Seriously, just flat out ask him. A quite simple 'should I bother preparing for your visit or do we just call it quits right here?' Don't torture yourself with not knowing. It's just not worth it. Get your answer and either deal with the problem causing his issues or move on. Yes, break ups hurt but the sooner they're done with the sooner you can get back to living your life and enjoying things again. 🫂

I feel like he might not really be coming