
By Anonymous - 24/05/2013 16:40 - Brazil - Rio De Janeiro

Today, my extremely religious father visited for a family dinner. My daughter had just one job: not to set him off on one of his easily-provoked rants. She nonetheless decided to take a photo in the middle of prayer, because she just HAD to Instagram her food. My father went apeshit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 395
You deserved it 9 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who cares what food she is eating? She should have been spending quality time with your family and not whipped out her phone. Sorry but she deserved it, you didn't. FYL

ElementaryEdGuy 18

#Spaghetti #Meatballs #Jesus. See, Instagram prayers. He just doesn't understand the youth.


All her. However, if you have to warn your kids to not set grandpa off, then you should either not have him around or not have kids. Because of that YDI.

i don't know... the elderly can be a little.... difficult... sometimes. I love my grandpa and all but it's a bit embarrassing when he starts yelling at the waitress for the mashed potatoes being lumpy: /

That is when you take away the phone or instagram everything she does at all times of day to get her back.

Wealthyparrot 9

Well, YDI for inviting your father over, she deserved it for using instagram, and your father deserved it for being a total douche.

FYL for having a daughter who thinks instagraming your food is cool

eugene89us 2

What a disrespectful person she is. Whether or not you believe, it is kind of you to respect the beliefs of others. Using a phone during dinner, behaving in such a disrespectful manner deserves a good punishment. Shame where our morals went, and shame that some of you here support such behavior. My assumption is that most of you are still kids, rebelling against parents, and do not understand morality and norms that are to be respected around elders abd family members. Sad.

even so, my mom constantly posts pictures of her drinks on Facebook, she answers her phone, and she texts. it's just the new norm. I don't exactly like it but it is what it is

perdix 29

Hypocrite!! Anyone who goes apeshit over petty transgressions is not sincerely practicing any real religion. Your dad is a fraud. He's a rageaholic that uses religion as an excuse, instead of obeying its teachings to restrain his temper.

Oh c'mon, Perdix. You and you're silly comments... Since when is any -ism opposed to rage and violence?

First of all, your daughter needs to be more mindful of family time. That was beyond rude and inconsiderate. That said, why would you let your father in the house knowing that ANYTHING will set him off??? Do you REALLY want to live like that???

Sorry but it all goes back to the parenting.

Damn, she did sort of ask for it. I'm just sorry that you had to put up with it.

cowgirl927 3

She shouldn't have done it, but your dad needs to realize that going "apeshit" is counterproductive. He's an adult and he should act like it.