
By Anonymous - 24/05/2013 16:40 - Brazil - Rio De Janeiro

Today, my extremely religious father visited for a family dinner. My daughter had just one job: not to set him off on one of his easily-provoked rants. She nonetheless decided to take a photo in the middle of prayer, because she just HAD to Instagram her food. My father went apeshit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 395
You deserved it 9 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who cares what food she is eating? She should have been spending quality time with your family and not whipped out her phone. Sorry but she deserved it, you didn't. FYL

ElementaryEdGuy 18

#Spaghetti #Meatballs #Jesus. See, Instagram prayers. He just doesn't understand the youth.


Yep **** Your Life you your daughters dumb decisions!

Chewiebhz 15

Since he was visiting he should know his place and you should stop being a pushover.

I just don't get why people feel the need to take pictures of their dinner and upload them to the internet. People that aren't at your table don't give a shit about what you're eating!

That is rude but you should be telling her off - not him.

Your father was completely in the right. That's very disrespectful and who's the one supposed to teach common courtesy and respect? Her parent (you). Its sad to see how far society has dumbed down due to technology and children not being taught respect for their elders.

It's not respect for elders, it's respect to people who deserve it. Some elders have been terrible people or done terrible things, you shouldn't just blindly respect people without reason. However, I do agree that it was a little bit disrespectful, but, based on the way he flipped out, I have to wonder how worthy of respect he was. We don't know, maybe he said or did some terrible things(Or things that weren't necessarily terrible, but were pretty mean), and the daughter was at her tolerance limit with him.

Most kids these days have phones. They can use it to phone their friends, and their parents can use it to get a hold of them if they don't come home on time, or if some emergency happened.

It is also rude to go on a rant in somebody else's household.

To all you guys saying that the daughter deserved it for "being on her phone rather than with family" she took it out for one second, she wasn't on it the whole night. And I think the father is totally in the wrong; yes, it's disrespectful, but he shouldn't be forcing his beliefs upon them.

Also, to those saying "respect your elders", people should earn your respect; if they're being unreasonable screw them. OPs daughter is a kid, she probably didnt see the harm. If OPs whole family has to bend over backwards to accommodate this guy then something's not right.