Teenagers these days

By prostitott - 04/05/2013 07:22

Today, I caught my 14-year-old daughter stealing alcohol from me. After berating her for half-an-hour I finally said, "At least you're not doing drugs." She gave me a guilty smile and sheepishly said, "At least I'm not a prostitute?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 508
You deserved it 15 380

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When I was fourteen, I did some crazy things, but hey, I turned out fine. Right? Didn't I turn out fine?! TELL ME I'M PRETTY!


Don't feel bad OP. My younger sister is the same way except she drinks, does drugs and sleeps around. The world is changing for the worse.

mwali02 32

You've got way too many issues going on here. Good luck with that!

I'm fifteen and had my first drink at 14. To be honest it was a lot of fun but since I'm so big into sports I've stopped drinking and smoking. I advise you get her to find something she loves to do then she might think about it and stop

A kid I used to know died recently from drugs, he was 14. OP, I want you to keep a good eye on your daughter and make sure she doesn't fall from a successful path.

I hate to be a smartass, but Alcohol IS a drug.

Rammer3500 23

What if I told you that alcohol is a drug

What the **** happened to her, man. Kids nowadays ******* love to throw their life into the shit-drain.