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By fuck you sis - 12/10/2019 16:00

Today, my parents lectured me about the importance of family, and how forgiveness is necessary. This came after I stopped speaking to my sister. I cut her out of my life after she slept with a second boyfriend of mine. Apparently, it’s up to me to "be the bigger person." FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 289
You deserved it 173

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your sister sounds narcissistic and is manipulating your parents

budshot 2

you're already the bigger person. just move on.


Your sister sounds narcissistic and is manipulating your parents

Or they could genuinely be idiots, but I see your take on this.

budshot 2

you're already the bigger person. just move on.

While you have the scissors out, why don't you cut out your parents, too?

Blood family ties do not mean you have to stand by them.

bullsonyourface 20

forgive her. not for her but for yourself. you don't have to go have drinks with the bitch, but holding on to this anger will give you explosive diarrhea.

Ah Hell NAHHH! Be angry. What a horrible breach of trust and love on so many levels.

You are an amazing person. If this happened to me, I think there might be bodies.

Mathalamus 24

They aren't wrong, but they should understand that it takes time to forgive.

They are very wrong. With my sister I have forgiven her for the things she did to me but there is no place in my life for a sociopathic narcissist.

mcsmee 7
Mungolikecandy 19

I guess we can see who the favorite sister is.