Superficial World

By apparentlytoofat - 26/04/2020 05:00

Today, my husband said he thinks of me as more of a roommate than a romantic interest, and he’s wouldn't be that attracted to me unless I lose another 20 pounds. I was just celebrating that I’d lost 5 pounds already in April. Stress makes it harder to lose weight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 319
You deserved it 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you know , you can loose 200 + pounds easily, really easily and become super attractive and hot in the process? It called Divorce. You are married, he shouldnt see you as a romantic interest, he should see you as your life partner, some one he enjoys bening with for your personality, because the body changes with age but true love doesnt care about that.


Keep your focus and you'll be ******' in August!

bloopaloop 27

Then loose the weight quick and you won’t be so stressed!

That is one toxic husband. You deserve better. And congrats on losing 5 pounds, keep on fighting to reach YOUR target weight, not his!

redvibes23 14

You’re doing great! Losing weight is harder then is seems. Focus on yourself. I know that’s hard when your married but he clearly isn’t supporting you with this. Do what you think is best tho, whether that is to leave him or tell him off. Good luck!

Did you know , you can loose 200 + pounds easily, really easily and become super attractive and hot in the process? It called Divorce. You are married, he shouldnt see you as a romantic interest, he should see you as your life partner, some one he enjoys bening with for your personality, because the body changes with age but true love doesnt care about that.

Being married shouldn't give a person the greenlight to trash their body and stop improving themselves.

ojoRojo 27

I bet he’s in perfect shape, right? -__- Congrats on 5 pounds! Focus on your OWN goals and ignore that hater. <3

Tell him to grow a few extra inches ... what an ass.

Douglas E Thompson Jr 5

damn, stress does the opposite to me. when I'm shook down to the core, the last thing I wanna do is eat. but I digress. leave that ************. you don't need to be with someone that makes you feel like you're alone.