
By fucking mafia or what?? - 12/01/2013 22:02 - United States - Marysville

Today, I opened my front door to go out for groceries. Lying on my doorstep was a pile of poop. A piece of paper was taped to the ground beside it that read, "Do it again and you'll get more than dog shit." I don't have the slightest clue who I pissed off, or how. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 002
You deserved it 3 455

Same thing different taste

Top comments


this reminds me of a southpark episode..

Did you forget to take your dog for a walk ?

At least the poop wasn't on fire for you to "stamp out"!!!

they couldve had the wrong person....

I'm going to say that at least it was from a dog and not another human...on the other hand, if it had been human..you could have saved it for DNA testing. That shit would give away the ownership of the shitter.

Sounds like crap OP. just walk outside and take a nice whiff of the great outdoors :)